F R E Q U E N T L Y      A S K E D      Q U E S T I O N S

Q: Why you have more than one site
A: Because is for different anthro site and a duke3d site to
upload my levels

Q: I heard that having more than 1 site is not allowed
A: On the same server you are not allowed but you can put as
many site as you want as long is in different servers

Q: Can i put my furry on your site
A: Not on my site but on my yahoo group you can the link to
my group is
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/morzenomhonX/ You
click join and no approval needed

Q: What is an approval
A: Its when the moderator receive your request and either he
accept it or reject it sometime it can be very long waiting for
an approval because the moderator must be online to do that

Q: How many site you have
A: I have
1 in icq   297194145.home.icq.com/index.html  
1 in yahoo geocities.ca 
http://ca.geocities.com/zaxtor2001/ My main site the first one oldest one
1 in angelfire  
1 in
20megsfree   http://zaxtor2001-anthrolair.20megsfree.com/Index.html
1 in fortunecity   http://members.fortunecity.com/zaxtor2001/  
Newest one
More may come in other server maybe in the future